Sunday, March 22, 2009

Walk The Line

Do you ever find yourself on a wire? On the verge, wavering both left and right? Do you constantly re think and idea that you went with? Analyzing every word, every touch, every dream?

The human mind is built that way. You will second guess, even if its in the back of your mind, you will second guess yourself at least five times in one day. And that is the very least. Me, for instance, second guess myself more times that I can think. Even if I know, with in a shadow of a doubt, that I made the right choice, the right decision, I still will think it over and over. Even as I am laying down to sleep, I will wonder-- what if?

Stress runs though our veins even in the simplest decisions. I constantly want to be better-- well ever one wants to be better--- but I need to feel that I am doing the best that I can possible do. Whether it be in my personal life, work like, or social life.

There are some days where going home to lay in my soft bed sounds then best, and yet I will make there past midnight after the list of things I need to accomplish finally gets finished. Then I lie awake for at least an hour wondering if I rushed through my obligations, if maybe I spend just an ounce more of time, it would have been better.

But when is enough? When is it time for relaxation? When is it time to live for yourself and let the little things take care of themselves for a moment?

You have to step back from everyday life and take a nice deep look at how your living. Work isn't the only thing out there for you. the world is huge, time is endless but not measured in life. If you only had one year to live what would you do???


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